UV Fused Silica Broadband Wedge Plate Beamsplitters Φ25.0mm 70R/30T UV UV Fused Silica | GU OPTICS
UV Fused Silica Broadband Wedge Plate Beamsplitters Φ25.0mm 70R/30T UV UV Fused Silica

UV Fused Silica Broadband Wedge Plate Beamsplitters Φ25.0mm 70R/30T UV UV Fused Silica

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Product No. 349508

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Dia Φ25.0mm
R/T 70R/30T
Coating S2-Coated-ARAR-@250~400nm
Material UV-Fused-Silica
Surface Quality λ/10 @ 633 nm
Surface Quality 40/20-60/40
Wedge Angle 30arcmin ± 10arcmin
Clear Aperture 90%
Dimensions Tolerance 0.25mm
Thickness Tolerance of Thick Edge ±0.25mm
Thickness 5.0mm
Bevel Protective Bevel 0.2~0.5mmX45°
The wedge angle and back AR coating of the wedge plate beamsplitter reduces the interference of ghost imaging from the back reflection. The high precision substrate will make sure the reflection and the transmission wavefront error. Image Optics provide various kinds of wedge plate Beamsplitter with multiple R/T ratios.


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