UV Fused Silica Laser Mirrors Φ50.0mm 0° 244-257nm
UV Fused Silica Laser Mirrors Φ50.0mm 0° 244-257nm
UV Fused Silica Laser Mirrors Φ50.0mm 0° 244-257nm

UV Fused Silica Laser Mirrors Φ50.0mm 0° 244-257nm

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Product No. 430040

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Dia Φ50.0mm
Thickness 10.0mm
Laser Wavelength 244-257nm
Angle of Incidence
Reflectivity Ravg>99.5%
Damage Threshold >1KW/cm² @1064nm,10ns,10Hz
Material Fused Silica
Surface Accuracy λ/10@633nm
Parallelism <3arcmin
Surface Quality 10-5
Back Surface Ground
Diameter Tolerance +0.0/-0.1mm
Thickness Tolerance ±0.2mm
Bevel Protective Bevel 0.2~0.5mmX45°
Coating Argon-Ion Laser Wavelength Dielectric High Reflection Mirrors
Grand Unified Optics provide laser mirrors with high quality fused silica substrate and total dielectric high reflection, the reflection is very high within the fixed laser wavelength. The fused silica substrate reduces the dispersion of the light effectively. AOI for thse laser mirrors is 0° and 45° depending on your application.


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