Reflection Beam Deviation φ25.4×5mm 45° | GU OPTICS
Reflection Beam Deviation φ25.4×5mm 45°

Reflection Beam Deviation φ25.4×5mm 45°

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Product No. 453002

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Dimension φ25.4×5
Angle of Incidence 45°
Coating 355HR-532-1064AR
Material C7980
Transmittance &Reflectivity R>99.5%@355nmT≥97%@532nmT≥97%@1064nm
NA >95%
Damage Threshold 8J/cm² (355 nm R, 10 ns, 10 Hz)12J/cm² (532 nm T, 10 ns, 10 Hz)20J/cm² (1064 nm T, 10 ns, 10 Hz)
Dimension Tolerance +0/-0.1mm
Thickness Tolerance ±0.1mm
Surface Quality 20-10
Surface Accuracy ≥λ/2@633nm
Bevel Protective Bevel
Grand Unified Optics offers 12.7mm, 25.4mm diameter Nd:YAG harmonic beam splitter. This product uses a special coating principle to achieve good transmission/reflection effects for different laser wavelengths, thereby realizing the effect of light splitting. At present, there are standard products with incidence angles of 10°, 45°, reflection 266nm, 355nm, transmission 532nm&1064nm, and we can also provide cube according to your requirements


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